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hello there

My name is Kaitlin Elliott and I've been in love with photography

as long as I can remember and I am so grateful that I can call it

my full-time profession for the last 7 years.


My husband gifted me my first camera our first year of marriage

and set in motion my confidence to pursue this art as career ever



We have two little ones that daily remind of us of the gift that

life is and that each moment is to be carefully handled with loved

and cherished. 


I was born in Sonoma County, and my amazing parents then

raised our family in the Central Valley. Like most, my childhood

is remembered in my heart but cherished through our photos. My mama always had her camera handy and film canisters were often rattling around in her GAP purse about to get developed. I know my artist's eye comes truly from her!


For me, getting to run a business, meet new families, and connect with returners over the span of years is truly a joy.


Thank you to all the families both in the Central Valley and Sonoma County that have allowed me the privilege it is to be your family photographer. It is an honor to share these beautiful moments through my lens! While my goal might be to have a consistent thread of lightness, softness, and dreaminess to our photos we take together I leave margin for each photo session to be uniquely YOU- organic moments with your family, your story, your chemistry, and the joy of the particular season of life that you are in. 


You are beautiful: your family, your life, and the moments that God has given. It's just my job to show it!

 Photo by B. Schwartz Photography


"For of Him and through Him and for Him are all things to Whom be the glory forever. Amen." 

{ROMANS 11:36}

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